I Am Who You Say I Am

I Am Who You Say I Am

My daughter was in hysterical sobs when I collected her from school yesterday. She managed to keep everything together until she opened the car door, and then she melted into tears the moment she knew she was safe.

“Mum, I am not good enough,” she howled in desperate agony. “I am a ‘C Team’ player and every other girl in my class is in the ‘A Team’. They are a gang of sporty girls. And I am on the outside. I am just not good enough. I don’t measure up. I try so hard but never seem to get anywhere.” Read more

Showing Up Matters. Heres Why

From the Mouths of Babes: Showing Up

Sometimes kids say the smartest things. I had just collected my 6 year old son from school when he casually asked, “Mum, do you know why George and I are such good friends?”

“No,” I replied, “tell me why….”

“It’s because we show up for each other. That’s what friends do. They show up for each other, even when they don’t really want to.”

“You are so right my love,” I replied somewhat startled at the simple and yet profound statement. “Explain what you mean a little more to me,” I urged in order to understand if there were any further nuggets of gold inside that precious young mind.

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