When Life Turns Out Differently To What You Had Hoped

Just because something doesn’t work out the way you had hoped it would, it doesn’t mean that it’s not working out the way it’s supposed to.

Said in another way: when things don’t work out the way you had envisaged, is there are chance that it’s helping fulfil the real plans God has for your life? Read more

Are You Spending Your Time Or Wasting It?

I will never forget the day my mentor called me to say that that cancer had taken over and that there was nothing further the doctors could do. In essence his call to me was a goodbye call. He had been my mentor since I started working and we had always stayed in touch, even though our geographies were spluttered around the world.

In the silence that followed as I tried to digest the enormity of what he was telling me, he followed with these wise words:

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How an uneducated man became one of the world’s greatest surgeons

Dr Hamilton Naki Teaches Us: “You can only get more in life by saying YES!”

This is the story about a remarkable man called Dr Hamilton Naki who never attended a day of school in his life. He could neither read or write. And he obviously never went to University. Yet this man was awarded the honourary degree of MASTER OF MEDICINE from Cape Town Medical University which is respected around the world for its contribution to medicine.

This man taught over 30,000 surgeons and was an extra-ordinary teacher. The way he learnt and taught medicine surprised the human mind.

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It’s Time To Dream Again

Have you had times in your life when you felt lost?

Have you ever felt like you were floating and not so sure footed? Of course there are plenty people out there who are going hell for leather at life, achieving and doing remarkable things. They inspire me and I genuinely am happy for them.

But in a way, it also exacerbates my plight.

This time a year ago, I was living my best life. I had started a marketing consultancy for safari lodges. I was helping design lodges, coming up with camp names, creating brand identities and devising all the marketing materials that launch brands and put them on the map.

Then came Covid and international tourism was decimated. I lost all my clients. Suddenly my living the dream was reduced to the cold, hard reality that my income had dried up and along with it, the fire in my belly that roared when I was doing work I loved.

Luckily the void was filled with home schooling which kept me super busy but now that kids are back at the school campus, I have had some time to pause and reflect.

Exercising alone in nature often gets my mind working and it was on one of my runs that I was suddenly struck with the horror that I don’t know what my next set of dreams or goals are.

I don’t know my next step.

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Considering Giving Up Your Dreams? DO NOT QUIT!

9 Tips To Keep You Going When You Are Contemplating Giving Up Your Dreams

I finished The Shine Blog two weeks ago. I have gone from so excited to share it with the world while it was in development to “Oh shucks, what on earth was I thinking?!?! Who on earth would want to read anything I write?!”

Has that ever happened to you? You were hell bent on achieving a goal. You got close to making your dream a reality and then……you get the jitters…..you start doubting yourself……..you think that living small and safe would be a much better option instead. Why be open to the world’s criticism when you can rather choose to live quietly without bringing your passions to the world. Yes, maybe the world won’t benefit from your gifts, but at least your heart will be safe.

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A Terminal Diagnosis: Bucket Lists and Forgiveness

A Terminal Diagnosis:

I was recently in hospital for a small procedure. As the nurse walked me into my room and pointed out my bed, my roommate sat bolt upright and gave me a warm greeting. She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and beamed a massive smile. She was a lovely looking lady and I could see immediately that she was full of character.

I settled into my bed and opened one of the two books I had brought with me, ready to immerse and inspire myself while I waited for my surgery. The words of the book jumped off the page: “Great influencers are not those that give answers but instead ask the right questions.” I paused to think about that powerful line. It was in fact the only line I was going to read as my room mate was going to maximize her time with her captive inmate.

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